
Meet your local veteran owned & operated, tree removal service! Alltree came to us in need of a website rebuild, Local SEO to grow their website rankings with Google, and several advertising campaigns. Their major goals were to increase their organic and paid traffic, resulting in more calls, and client conversions!

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  • An ad for alltree tree removal tree trimming stump grinding

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The Challenge

Alltree had three major challenges: they needed a new and modern website rebuild using their already established brand. They also needed us to migrate all the data and work put into their old site into a new and modern design that allowed customers to easy connect and request tree service quotes. Based upon a comprehensive site audit Alltree needed additional local SEO work to continue growing in their Google rankings. Lastly, they wanted to outsource their social media marketing campaigns to us to reduce workload, put a professional touch on them, and gain more follows/likes within their target market.

What We Did

After describing the challenges, we got to work with a comprehensive keyword research campaign (industry and competitor keyword based). Using the information from this campaign, along with content and media from their previous website, we began the rebuild. We focused on keeping with their brand image while greatly improving the new site's user experience, speed, and adding additional SEO optimization (focusing on local SEO) during the build.

Once their website was built, we immediately began their monthly SEO content and backlink program to increase their Authority Score with Google and began generating increased organic traffic to their site. We created modern and compelling ad pieces to nudge those within the company's service areas towards clicks, landing on the new website which have turned into an increase in overall sales. Lastly, the team at Marketing Vines now manages the Alltree Instagram and Facebook posts on a monthly basis with company updates and scheduled posts.

What We Achieved

Over the first year Alltree has seen over 37K types of Follows, Likes, Shares, and overall involvement with their social media campaigns. All Google and Social Media Ad's combined have generated over 110,000 impressions with over 982 new customers added to Alltree's CRM software since Marketing Vines took over their website, social media, and advertising program!







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